Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Battle is NOT yours...

Do you remember the last time you had a fight? I mean a real good fight? Where snot flew and tears ran down your cheek? The kind of fight that still has you either celebrating or grieving over the details. How did that fight make you feel at the time? Do you consider it a loss or a win? Some of us were born fighters and if it wasn't for Jesus you'd still be snatching off wigs. Your motto would be, "Don't start none - won't be none." Then are those who have been fighting all their life. Fighting to eat, fighting to keep men off of you or just fighting to keep your sanity.

Some of you are still fighting today. Every day of your life you are fighting a battle to be noticed. Sure you keep your face pained, your nails nicely manicured and your hair done, but you are still fighting under all these pretenses. You are fighting to be the real YOU.

Only don't remember who you were or sadly you never discovered your purpose. I have a secret to tell you...even the born fighter gets tired of fighting. We are not meant to be in a battle everyday of our lives. We are to surrender to the Lord and let him fight the battle on our behalf. I don't know why we hold on so tightly to failure.

I remember seeing girls fight in middle school. The one losing the fight would get a death grip on the one who was winning and would try to hold tight enough so that the one winning couldn't swing anymore. Now, that sounds like my spiritual life sometimes...holding on so tight to mess so that it loses its power over me. Ummm that never worked in either situation. Life will shake you lose and start swinging again.

My advice is to let it all go and let all God....You  are a beautiful person worth dying for. You are so important to God. I challenge you to find a quiet place today and listen to God speak to your heart. It's time to stop fighting and start finding who you were created to be.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Consider God

Have you ever been in a storm so bad that you didn't know if you would make it out? Living in Texas affords us the opportunity to see Tornadoes first hand. These fast and furious storms destroy everything in its path. It has no mercy. To be honest, I've had many life storms with the same and furious.

God has promised us many things. One thing he has promised us is that in this life we will have trouble. Huh? How could that be a promise, well it's not. The second verse is the promise. Jesus goes on to say, "In this life you will have trouble..FEAR NOT for I have overcome the world (John 16:33)." So, if we are sure that trouble will come we have options in our response. Most of us however, sit back in corners with our thumbs stuck in our mouths waiting on a change to come.

Our..your response to the troubles around you can make or break you. You can choose to have peace in the midst of the trial or you can allow the trouble to rule over you. How can you have peace in the midst of the storm? It's simple really, DECIDE to have it. There is no miracle response or 5 secrets to having peace. You have to believe that whatever you are facing has already been conquered by the Lord. Choosing to rest in him is choosing to have peace and choosing to believe that He is in control.

 I challenge you to reflect on the ways God has already delivered you from many storms when you didn't see a way out. Psalm 143 declares, "I remember the days of old. I meditate on all your ways and consider what your hands have done." If we consider what God has done, we will be more inclined to trust that He will handle our current situation as well.

So, today don't sweat the small stuff or fear the big stuff....It' all GOD baby.

Lord, I lay all my worries down at your feet. I have tried to do this all on my own and ironically I keep getting the same results. Help me today learn to reliquish control and trust you to work on my behalf. Amen