Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Deadly Distractions

Have you ever noticed that when you’re caught in traffic after an accident has occurred, people tend to drive slow or rubberneck just to see what has happened on the side of the road? Don't you just hate it?

 They call it the on-looker delay. You're delayed because someone is not minding their own business.

 All too often, it’s never the fender bender that has slowed traffic, but rather its’ the one who was looking at the accident and not on their own destination that caused them to become the bigger accident.  We typically judge these people for being stupid and for not paying attention.

That’s how life is and more importantly that’s how our spiritual life is. God has set us on a path from point A to point B.  Just when we think things are smooth and we’re cruising along is when the enemy causes a fender bender to occur that turn our thoughts, mind and vision away from what God has planned and places our focus on that little incident in someone else’s life.
I call these deadly distractions because they can kill your arrival time to your own destination. Minding the business of others makes you fall into your own ditch. Before you know it, you're involved in your own accident because you weren't paying attention.
Now you’re the one sitting on the side of the road while everyone else is driving by judging your actions?  It doesn’t feel so good does it? It’s easy for us to talk about, degrade or judge the actions or accidents of those around us, but fail to realize that we ourselves are susceptible to the same issues. The second accident could prove more deadly than the first one.

My challenge to you today is to release yourself from worrying about or judging the action of others and to purpose in your heart to mind your own business. Pay attention to what you are doing and I promise you that you will get to your destination right on time.
Prayer Point:
Lord, I am so guilty of being distracted. I ask you to forgive me for losing sight of what you have for me. Help me help myself and to stay focused on you and to become kind to others. I love you and I thank you for hearing me. Amen
Your Soul Empowerment Coach

LaToya Brown, LMSW