Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God Doesn't Need 911

While working with a family yesterday, I realized a "life truth". A "life truth" is one of those things that are hidden from daily communications, but are very real in their presence. This particular family wanted me to hurry and help them figure out last minute financial issues before their relative passed away. I found it interesting that their lack of planning had somehow ventured to become my emergency. When we fail to do what we are supposed to do in the time when we are supposed to do it, we tend to believe that others will come to our rescue. We vicariously think that it's their fault if things go wrong. That couldn't be farther from the it is. The Life Truth is that we are responsible for our own affairs and that any help received should be appreciated.

We do the same thing with God.  We fail to plan for whatever reason and then blame God when he doesn't move when we want him to. God doesn't need 911 calls nor is he sitting in heaven wondering what decision will bring the best outcome. God already prepared all that you need way before you decided to refuse wisdom and walk hand-in-hand with laziness and procrastination. So, before you begin to blame God for not moving fast enough, I encourage you to sit back, plan appropriately and WAIT for his will to be realized in your lives.

Challenge: Live with God's blessings on a daily basis than to have to wait for a miracle. Miracles only happen in tragedies.

Prayer & Meditation: God you are bigger than me. I realize that in my humanness I am so frail. I realize my lack of planning is at times your emergency. That's not fair to you. So, I ask that you help me move past my procrastination and allow you to lead my life. Amen