Monday, February 27, 2012

Be Still....

There was a time in my Christian walk when I ran to every prayer meeting, conference and shin-dig trying to get all the word that I could. I huffed...I puffed...and I huffed and I puffed to try to get all of God's blessings to flow my way. At the end of the day I was one burned out sister...just sizzling like bacon on a Sunday morning. BUT I didn't let that stop me. Nope had to get saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. All the while I was running out, the Holy Ghost was running with me asking me slow down, listen and let him speak to me. Wait Toya...Waaaaaaaittt! If he wasn't a spirit, he would've run out of breathe chasing me.

Unfortunately it took many long hard years of failures and regrets before I turned to my jogging friend and asked his forgiveness and welcomed his wisdom. He is wisdom and if we would just listen to his direction our lives would be so much peaceful.

 Attending those events were not bad in and of themselves, but they were not, however, the source of my spiritual guidance. I had to learn to lean upon the Lord and not upon my own understanding of things. He said that he would direct my path...go figure..God knows the way (Proverbs 3:5,6). Why do we think we know it all? What is is about the dirt in us that thinks it knows more than the God that created it? That's a phenomenon that God is probably trying to figure out.

I wish that I could you that I've learned my lesson completely, yet there are times when I still run ahead  trying to make things happen on my own, cause surely I'll get it right this time.Wrong again...I'm glad God doesn't charge it to my head or my heart. He gently brings me back to himself and tells me to sit my little dirty self down and listen....ugh! So, what is today's lesson...BE STILL and know that HE is God! That simple....Have a blessed day

Your Soul Empowerment Coach
LaToya Brown, LMSW