Saturday, February 18, 2012

Nothing is Final...until YOU give up!

"Nothing is Final" is not a motto or a famous quote to inspire you in the present moment. Nor is it a statement to be simply posted on your Facebook wall to encourage others. It is a statement that is to be meditated upon. You are to do the meditating because it will change your life if you want your life to be changed.

Nothing is final? That's right. Absolutely nothing is final. Trials and tribulations aren't strangers. Every person living has experienced tough times.  While it is true that some of us face struggles that others couldn't even imagine and yet we keep pressing on. Why? Because we have to. We are not stronger on the surface, but I can attest that the heart of  resiliency is strength in the refusal to give in to life's issues. Refusing to lose faith, lose sight and lose their minds in the midst of the storm.

Nothing is final? What does that mean to you. Nothing is final means just that...nothing is final. No doctor's diagnosis is final. No college rejection is final...No relationship demise is final...No sickness is final...Nothing is final....that is until you give up. See, you are the only indicator of failure in your life if you lay down and throw in the towel. You are only as strong as you think and most certainly believe. As long as you believe that your life could and should be different than what you currently see, then things are subject to change.

Every circumstance and situation is subject to change, so long as you believe that they will change. Your life right now and the way you feel about your life is summed up in your thoughts, perception and reactions. You keep going around the same mountain because you haven't told it to move yet. Your life is waiting on you to happen. Be on purpose. Move on purpose. Walk on purpose. Smile on purpose. WIth every thing you do in your it on purpose. Don't leave your life up to chance. Chance doesn't know your heart or your beliefs. Tell Chance where to go and what to do. Maybe it can take a long trip with the mountain that you are about to move.

God has given YOU the power to create your life. Everything that God will ever do has been done. That great life you are waiting for already exist but it won't manifest until you tell it to manifest. So, if I were to ask you how you feel about your self or your life right now, what would be your respone? Are you feeling hopeless? Hope "less"? What has subtracted from your hope? What has stolen your joy? What has caused you to want to give up? I encourage you to begin to REFUSE to be less than, not good enough, incapable or rejected. REFUSE to be overcome and overwhelmed by life's hardships. Use them instead as stepping stones to the life you truly want and will appreciate.

No matter how much I've fallen, struggled and even failed..I REFUSE to give up on me. I refuse to lay down with disappointment and to walk with self pity. I refuse to live the life that chance would dictate. I will tell the mountains that stand in my way to be removed and cast into the sea where the tides of my joy bury them.

No matter what you are facing, remember that nothing is final until you give up!

I love you and believe in you and in great things for you...

Your Soul Empowerment Coach