The hardest thing to do is to fight a battle that you seem to be losing with good spirits. Who smiles in a fight? Who sings? No one I know. Yet, God says to praise Him in the midst of the storm. Wait! Are we supposed to sing a love song when our heads are being pounded? What good ending will this produce? What victory would we win by fighting and singing. Not only would it confuse our enemy, truth be told, it would confuse us. Yet, this is where we are as a believers. We are fighting a war that is already won. So, then why fight? Good question. The problem with the question is that it supposes that we are to be actively fighting the battles we face. However, God never commanded us to fight. His command is that we rest for the battle belongs to Him. If only He would should up in a way that we could see Him, then we wouldn't have the need to fight...right? We wonder why we are so tired.
We are fighting a battle that is already won and we are wearing ourselves out in the process. What would life look like for you if you just rested in God's presence?
Psalms 28 :7 says that the Lord is our strength and shield, my heart trusts in Him...I will be helped. Strength means to have power, courage and firmness. Shield is defined as being something that hides or conceals and protects against spears and swords. Will you trust God today? You have no need to fight. The battle is already won. You are the victor. So it's time to stop kicking the dead, defeated thing. Sing your song and rest.