Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sitting in Ashes

Hey you! Yeah I’m talking to you. The one sitting down in the heap of ashes that used to resemble your life.  The one who thinks that her life is over just because things didn’t work out like she planned.  The one who finds it impossible to gather the strength to move beyond her obvious failings.
Yes, lady. I’m talking to you. Look at me! Are you too ashamed to look up?
 You messed up huh? Things didn’t turn out exactly as you planned? So, you’re feeling like a failure? How many times have you rehearsed all of your decisions that led to this ‘hot mess’ you’re not sitting in? Woulda...Coulda….Shoulda... If only I had…That’s starting to sound like a new story line to me. But hey, I’m not judging.
Well, let me tell you one thing girlfriend, there is no guarantee that changing those decisions would change where you are right now.  Ok yeah, so you’ve made a mess of your life. I got that part. Here’s another piece to the puzzle…you can’t change a single minute detail about yesterday.

This is a brief excerpt from my new book Sitting In Ashes. As I've been typing this book for the past several months, I've been overjoyed with the fact that these words will impact someone's life. I just didn't know however, that I would be the first recipient to be encouraged from the words  I placed on the pages.  My entire life is upside down right now. I have been tempted to sit in the ashes and cry like a starving baby.
But how can you mourn about your situation, when you sit in front of the computer daily to encourage women across the globe. I chose to not sit in the ashes, but rather get off  my duff and press forward to a life that God is turning rightside up.I don't want a life that looks normal anymore. I'd rather have a life of expectancy for beautiful things, challenging experiences and interesting people.
So, in this season, I have no choice but to wait on God who sends much rain to dried up places.
Let God rain on you today...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Are you Still Thankful?

I woke up this morning thinking about my day yesterday. Partly because I'm still full from the dinner, but also about the value of family time. Somehow, in the midst of me thinking about the time with loved ones, this overwhelming feeling of "less than" began to overtake me.This nagging thought that I was a failure was taunting me early this morning. I would love to say that it was the turkey and dressing that was doing the talking, but it wasn't. It was the same 'ole voice that comes every time things are going well.

It's the voice that wants me to go back to a dark place where I feel useless. After a short time I recognized the voice and I then began to use my voice to praise God for all that is good and for calling me "more than". So, today, I can say that I am still thankful for all that I have and even more so, I am thankful for the things I've yet to possess. Gratitude will be my best attitude.

If you woke this morning with the same nagging feeling, then rejoice because progress is being made. Family is designed by God and He is bringing all of us back to the main thing.

Eat more turkey today and again take the opportunity to thank God for your life. You have a fabulous life and you are God's fabulous idea. I'm thankful for YOU!

Love, THE LaToya Brown...God's Super Model

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thank You...Thank You...Thank You

What a season to be thankful. What a season of remembrance to be thankful. Being thankful can be a challenge at times. Our lives are overwhelmed with to-do lists and incomplete task. We feel like we've failed people and ourselves that we hardly can find time to reflect on what's good in our lives.

There is plenty to be thankful for. I could give you a list but that's your job. You will go a discovery to find the blessings in your life. There is an old country song that says, "you better count your blessings while you're sitting at the table". That requires two things. First we must sit down with our loved ones, which means spend time with them. Secondly, we must count the blessings.  Name them one by one. Don't just name them...act upon them. Call up friends and let them know how much you appreciate them.  Tell your boss how valuable they are to you...ok at least they sign your checks. In this economy that is plenty to be thankful for.

Phillipians 4: 6-9 says not to be anxious about anything, BUT in everything by prayer and petitions, with THANKSGIVING, make your request known to God AND the peace that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds.

Do you want peace? Instead of fussing and complaining about the wrong, decide today to be thankful for all that is right. Choose to believe that you are a gift to the people in your life. Though it may not feel like it, I assure you that they are grateful for you in some way. Let's take the time this season to share our gratitude towards others and be bold enough to ask them what value we have in their lives. You may just be surprised.

Exercise: Write down three things that you are grateful about the important people in your life.
Write down three things that you are grateful about non important people in your life. Take this list to the Lord and thank him for allowing these people to be in your life.

Have a very Happy THANKSGIVING...giving thanks for all the blessings you have.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thank You Power

As we approach the Thanksgiving season, I've noticed that many in our culture are skipping over the meaning of this holiday in preparation for Christmas. Never once saying "Thank you". Never showing gratitude for what we've been given. We muster all of our negative energy and complain of all that is wrong: not having enough money to buy gifts, the bills are too high and the job is not paying enough. The complaint list goes on and on. We come together on Thanksgiving, eat all that we can, sleep a little, watch a football game and chock it all up to another day of festivities. However, Thanksgiving is more than that. It is a real time of reflection of the wonderful we have had the opportunity to live.

Depression is ranked at its all time high during this season, because people grieve the absence of the family. You know, the family we grieve being in their presence! We look over the value that others bring because we are caught up in our lives. There are many who are hurting around us.

"Thank You" are two of the most powerful words in the human language. It demonstrates gratitude for someone or something. I would argue that it shows more than just gratitude. It shows humility and grace. When we say "thank you", we are saying that we are appreciative. It is easily expressed when someone does something nice for us. It is also commonly forgotten art when it comes to those whom we care about and love. Why are we so apt to appreciate the action of others and yet forget or fail to let the people in our lives know how much they are appreciated?

While we can promise to appreciate others, we must decide to appreciate our children, our family members and our significant others. When was the last time you said "thank you" to yourself? your children? your friends? your pastor? your significant other? When was the last time you said it to God? If we fail to appreciate those whom are closest to us then we are being counterfeit in our expression towards others. Gratitude is not situational - it is required even when nothing special is done. We can simply appreciate the very presence of someone in our lives no matter the role.  Sure, it may take more work but it is worth it.

Gratitude goes a long way in our relationships. If we desire to cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships, then we must master the art of "thank you". Let's start today. Write a small thank you letter or note to yourself first, then to your children and so on. Watch how powerful your world will change in an instant. Take some time today to also thank God for what he has done in your life and for just loving you.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for all that you've done for me. Forgive me for the times I've been ungrateful. I appreciate you with my whole heart. Give me a heart of gratitude and humility. Teach me to appreciate those in my life. Teach me to appreciate myself. I ask that you continue to lead and direct my paths. I bless you today and ask that you bless me and my home. In Jesus Name I Pray...Amen

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Totally Free Living Empowerment for Women


Are you a creative & intelligent woman who wants more out of life, but has been unable to connect with yourself and others?
Do you know you want a MORE CONNECTED, MORE MEANINGFUL and MORE SUCCESSFUL career, personal life, and vision for yourself?
Do you sense it’s time to step more fully into your authentic Soul-VOICE, your true Soul-PASSION, and into your unique Soul-TALENTS and PURPOSE?

DO you want to fully and powerfully know, accept and love yourself, and to make a positive difference in the world?

DO you feel that somehow there is something that is still in the way? Have you not been able to fully claim your truest value, your sense of worth, your full creativity and your high level of talent and insight?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you've arrived at the right place. We need to talk!

A lot of your work and accomplishments come from pushing, driving, trying to make it happen - and you CAN make it happen - but it has come at a high price: exhaustion, disconnection from self, God and others, loss of inspiration and motivation. You have trouble balancing all that you want to do with a life that is successful, passionate, influential, abundant, and filled with connection, spirit and love.

I will coach you to connect to your God-given power and to access your passions so that you are able to move into the world in a Totally Free Living and authentically successful way with much more ease, joy,freedom and trust. You will learn how to honor your body and connect with the wisdom and brilliance you hold inside. You will learn how to reclaim all parts of yourself and your relationships so that you feel fulfilled and whole. You will also learn how to manage and move through your fears and limiting beliefs around visibility, competition, failure, finances, and more.

We will create healing, inspiration & success in your life & career by:

  • Strengthening your leadership abilities, relationships so that you can create a vision for yourself and career that energizes you and others
  • Overcome hindering habits and belief systems so that you can have to confidence to finally and fully step forward into the life God has for you and to  allow his characteristics to shine bright.
  • Unleash your true unique passions, dreams and vision so that you flow through your life with effectiveness, peace, joy, and well being. 
  • Learn to Integrate ALL parts of yourself - values, traits, personality and assets and even the ones you forgot you owned - so that you can joyfully lead your SoulFUL Life projects to success and prominence.

I have spent the last 20 years learning how to stop being driven by adrenaline, fear of success, fear of failure, and my need to be seen at all costs. I have mastered the art of "never giving up".

I have pulled together my experiences as an educator, entrepreneur, public speaker, workshop facilitator, spiritual mentor, author, mother and coach in order to help YOU successfully envision, execute, and enjoy your soul-centered, heart-led life. Through the Totally Free Woman Success Principles we create balance and flow in all areas of your life including work, health, relationships, home and finances.

I empower women to pursue their SoulFUL Life projects such as starting businesses, hosting world changing conferences,creating healing retreats, building volunteer organizations and not-for-profits, as well as running marathons, raising families, activating creativity and planning life-changing moves and journeys. I encourage women to do nothing without prayer.

Through our work together, I invite you to embrace your power, create more compelling and fulfilling goals for yourself, become a powerful, heart-centered leader, connect to the wisdom and brilliance you hold inside and to make it a practice of remembering how sacred and important you are to God, to others and to yourself.

I am a licensed master social worker with over 8 years of experience helping women overcome life obstacles. I have experience in crisis intervention, teen pregnancy, sexual abuse, domestic violence, single parenting and many more. My Totally Free Living Life Coaching is specifically designed to help you improve every area of your life using the word of God as your road map.

Your new life is awaiting...Won't you join it? Contact me for more information

This is the Day!

As I was praying this morning, I told that Lord that I was going to give him my day. I caught myself and calmed my heart. The Bible says, that this is the day that the Lord has made...Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). Oh, how I can rejoice that He has made the day for me and not the other way around. Because I know that He has made the day, I can rejoice and be glad.  GOD only produces good things. So, my today will be a day of rejoicing and gladness. I pray that your life will be the same. Take some time for you today...YOU deserve it.

I dare you to express your gladness in some radical way today.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Breaking the Silence

We have often heard that silence is golden. It is the epitome of a godly woman and is an attribute that is highly desired in women. While I agree that silence does have some influence in the life of a woman, it is not a catch-all for life. Silence has been one of the many devices used by the enemy to keep hurting men, women and children in bondage.

 Silence is not golden when people are being hurt. I pray that you break the silence that has held you in shame. Many of you have not had the opportunity or strength to talk about your sexual abuse. The silence of those dreadful days are still impacting you today. Just because you are now an adult does not mean that you should be "over" the violations imposed upon you. God wants you to be free. However, freedom begins with talking about what has happened.

I challenge and encourage you to begin to talk about your past. Find someone you trust with your heart and start your  journey towards healing. It is your time!

If you have never been sexually abused, please know that someone in your sphere of influence has been. It may be a family member, coworker or friend. Ask the Lord to soften your heart towards the hurting and to show you how to love them.