We have often heard that silence is golden. It is the epitome of a godly woman and is an attribute that is highly desired in women. While I agree that silence does have some influence in the life of a woman, it is not a catch-all for life. Silence has been one of the many devices used by the enemy to keep hurting men, women and children in bondage.
Silence is not golden when people are being hurt. I pray that you break the silence that has held you in shame. Many of you have not had the opportunity or strength to talk about your sexual abuse. The silence of those dreadful days are still impacting you today. Just because you are now an adult does not mean that you should be "over" the violations imposed upon you. God wants you to be free. However, freedom begins with talking about what has happened.
I challenge and encourage you to begin to talk about your past. Find someone you trust with your heart and start your journey towards healing. It is your time!
If you have never been sexually abused, please know that someone in your sphere of influence has been. It may be a family member, coworker or friend. Ask the Lord to soften your heart towards the hurting and to show you how to love them.